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Mussar Study Group

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Date(s) - 08/13/2016
1:30 pm

Congregation Bnai Israel

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Reading: Part 2 in Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis.

Mussar is the name of a Jewish spiritual movement that arose in Lithuania in the second half of the 19th century. The word “mussar” is translated as “correction” or “instruction” or, in modern Hebrew, “ethics.” The teachings and practices of Mussar ideally promote personal, ethical, and spiritual growth, so that we reclaim the inherent holiness that this tradition says characterizes our deepest essence. Our own Bill Bernhardt is a direct descendent of Rabbi Yisrael Lipkin Salanter, the founder of the movement.

This lay study group will explore this tradition and learn how it can help to enrich our lives, individually and as a community. The group will use the book Everyday Holiness by Alan Morinis (available in paperback for $17.21 from Amazon; there are also used copies available on Amazon for as little as $7.34) as our guide.  The book is divided into three sections:  Part 1 provides an overview of Mussar; Part 2 describes the inner traits that Mussar aims to help us to develop; and Part 3 provides guidance, practices, and exercises to put the principles of Mussar to work in daily life.

All are welcome. The only requirement is that you do the assigned reading for each session.